
Gut Symmetries or group work…


Gut Symmetries or group work…

Concept and Direction Laura Hicks
Performance Luciano Baptiste, Abril Lukac, Fabien Riess, Laura Schönlau
Choreography Laura Hicks in collaboration with the dancers
Sound Design Gregor Glogowski
Dramaturgy / Outside Eye Martin Nachbar
Light Design Gregor Glogowski
Set Design Laura Hicks
Costume Design Laura HIcks
Production supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Premiere 23. Juni 2022, Landungsbrücken Frankfurt
Additional Performances 24. und 30. Juni as well as 1. Juli 2022, Landungsbrücken Frankfurt

Can time stand still? What is it about an event that leaves us feeling somewhere between stillness and movement, in the space of what was before, and whatever comes next?

“We do not think real time. But we live it, because life transcends intellect” 1944 CE, 46 Bergson

Gut Symmetries, draws inspiration from concepts around time, event, and connection, while borrowing it’s title from Jeannette Winsterton’s 1997 novel of the same name. GUT, (grand unification theory), also speaks to the core of our being, the place where the forces of the universe become the intensities of intuition. The place where they are interpreted as sensations of the body. Symmetries, are the ties that connect us, the parrallels of our experience despite a multitude of variation.

“There is a thin line of me, wavering and not strong, that wants to learn the language of beasts and water and night.” JW

Inspired by shifting perceptions of time and the impact of global events, Hicks is interested in an abstracted experience of ‘felt time’ at the level of the body. The four dancers drop into physical states that stretch, reverse, or rupture perception, all the while creating a situation where they are tasked with an intense layering of awareness to the variations contained within the endless forward pull of time that never ceases, and the unpredicatable nature of the difference of lived or felt time.

What would a politics of the unpredectible, lived, or virtual as opposed to predetermined and measurable look like? Directed towards unorganized eruptions as opposed to planned outcomes, it could be a politics that embraces difference and divergence, and the indeterminable goals that arrise from that.